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【MAGIC SCENT】吸引异性神奇香水,让他/她爱你多一点!!新研发,更神奇,更有效!

【MAGIC SCENT】吸引异性神奇香水

Magic Scent 一set RM130,可以选两支。一支5ml,一set天天搽可以用2-3个月!

是滚球的瓶子。女生口味有3种, 男生口味有2种。





>> 什么是费洛蒙?

费洛蒙是人体自然散发的一种气味,也叫信息素,它让四周人与人之间互相交流。更多资料研究显示,在动物国界里,它主导着控制生物行为的角色,包括交 配的行为。在最近这几年,科学家也证实了人类的行为也被这看不见,靠空气传播的人体化学物主导和影响着。科学家在很久以前已经知道气味(或费洛蒙)影响着 动物:发展,交配,结合和养育他们的下一代。人类也没有例外,就好像婴儿寻找对母亲熟悉的气味,也是一种费洛蒙。很少量的剂量一旦吸入就有很大的效果!

这是因为人体鼻子里有一种叫做VNO(梨鼻器)的感应器,它吸收其他人类身上带来的信息,送到人体神经系统,再分析出对方的社会地位,健康状况,性 状况,年龄等等的资料。通过大脑,再发出讯号让身体的其他器官作出相对的反应。你不用嗅到它的味道-研究证实就算及少量及闻不出它的气味,只要它存在,已 经足以让大脑作出反应。费洛蒙可以让人产生不同的心情:镇定,幸福,刺激,如果用错了方法甚至能够让人产生焦虑。



Magic Scent 包括了特别为各款费洛蒙而设计的香精和精油。这些香精和精油各有自己的性质,可以提出费洛蒙的特性。它们也增强费洛蒙的散布(让费洛蒙分子从你皮肤上通过空气弥漫到四周),增强费洛蒙的散布也让费洛蒙功效发挥得更加好。

>>市场上有那么多产品,Magic Scent和它们有什么分别呢?

为了满足不同客人的需求,市场上有很多种类的费洛蒙。Magic Scent的产品系列包含了几种费洛蒙。各自为不同的效果和目的发挥作用。自信时尚是用于吸引女性注意和增加自己存在价值。活泼动人及朝气活力是用于增加 自己的随和力,以及别人对你的好感,另外好像甜美纯真和性感感性都用于女性增添自己性吸引力的。

现在市场上很多人都在卖一些同样的产品,不过你要小心选择有好的口碑的卖家和产品。很多市场上的产品都是假货,他们所谓的好评很多都是抄别人甚至自 己申请新的户口做分身在网上捏造。你们也很难一一查证。除此之外你们也可以在中国的购物网站-淘宝 http://www.taobao.com 查查“费洛蒙”这个产品。有很多都是由RM8起,份量是很多的。另外一个贴士,如果你看到那个卖家卖着的货物很多都是淘宝上可以购得,那么很有可能他卖的 费洛蒙就是那些RM8可以买到的货色!

真正高品质的费洛蒙,是不可能那么便宜可以购得的。要做出一个高品质和容易被人体感应的费洛蒙,生产和配制费用是蛮高的。无论该卖家如何说大量生产 或拿货,都只是一个借口。你需要真正专业的仪器和化学家配制适合人体产生反应的费洛蒙。一个浓缩的费洛蒙不应该是喷的形态,那样会很浪费。人体最理想作出 反应的剂量是在50mcg到150mcg内,一个好的产品会顾及到每一次使用的剂量。Magic Scent的设计已经顾及了这方面,提供最理想的效果。

在研制和发展Magic Scent之前,我是卖着中国制造的正品费洛蒙香水。一开始的时候真的收集了很多客人的好评,效果也很理想。可是日子久了,它的品质好像一直下滑,也越来 越多客人和我反映。我也感觉失望无助,因为我是没办法控制他们的品质还有提供剂量,很难保证他们没有偷工减料。

一年前我前往法国和美国,联络了这方面的研究所和专才来研制自己的新产品。这样做,我才可以容易地控制产品品质和交出最完美的配方给我的顾客。 Magic Scent的费洛蒙是用了最上等的香精油和99%纯正,具有高扩散能力的费洛蒙制成。在推广这个产品之前,我已经寄了样本给200位旧的客人来和旧产品比 较。他们都说Magic Scent比旧产品好至少10倍,用了Magic Scent有差不多100%的成功率。

>>Magic Scent是Halal(合服伊斯兰教律法)的吗?

是的,Magic Scent是通过高科技合成的费洛蒙。基础为油基香精,100%不含酒精。

>>Magic Scent安全合法吗?

是的,Magic Scent是归类为香水。我们人体也会散发费洛蒙,只是通过Magic Scent可以加强份量和效果。

>>我有严重的皮肤敏感,可以使用Magic Scent吗?


>>Magic Scent的费洛蒙和香味可以持久多久?

当你涂摸Magic Scent在身体上时,其中的成分就会在头4-6小时内被洗走或分解。正确的分解时间是因这些因素而定:体温,流汗,身体化学反应;所以如果天气凉爽它就 会更持久,如果吸收进了你的衣服,有可能可以持久到几天甚至几个星期!大致上Magic Scent的香味和效果可以维持一天。

>>我是同性恋,可以用Magic Scent吗?


>>怀孕可以使用Magic Scent吗?Magic Scent会影响宝宝吗?


>>我可以对Magic Scent有什么期望?

你可以对Magic Scent期望高品质和高科技合成浓缩的费洛蒙。你可能需要一些时间才能掌握使用方法。有些人第一次使用就见效了,大部分都是经过一段时间才驾轻就熟而见 到效果。费洛蒙不是春药或者下降头,只是一种人体分泌的信息素,你需要好好的学习去应用和合作。就好像给你一个最好的网球拍,你也需要练习来让它发挥最好 的功效。每一份Magic Scent我都会附上由专人建议的使用方法,让你可以把Magic Scent发挥到最好。最好的产品,需要最好的方法才能发挥最好的效果!


This is pheromone which can increase your charisma by 16 times~

It is tested and proven by experiments and scientist~
1986,American scientist found special pheromone in human's sweat,they make experiments and investigation and its proven that pheromone can attract opposite sex。Media already report its effects such as CNN、ABC、New York Times, and other medical reports~
It can increase charisma by 16 times, and sex pleasure by 8 times.
Spray it like perfume,Pheromone can stimulate human brains effectively to make opposite sex wants to have sex or close to you =P

In animals, sex pheromones indicate the availability of the female for breeding. Male animals may also emit pheromones that convey information about their species and genotype. Many insect species release sex pheromones to attract a mate, and many lepidopterans (moths and butterflies) can detect a potential mate from as far away as 10 kilometers (6.25 mi). Traps containing pheromones are used by farmers to detect and monitor insect population in orchards. At the microscopic level, a gamete pheromone may provide a trail leading the opposite sex's gametes towards it to accomplish fertilization. Pheromones are also used in the detection of oestrus in sows. Boar pheromones are sprayed into the sty, and those sows which exhibit sexual arousal are known to be currently available for breeding. Sea urchins release pheromones into the surrounding water, sending a chemical message that triggers other urchins in the colony to eject their sex cells simultaneously.

from wikipedia
It is tested and save to use with no side effect~

It will last on body for 8-10 hours.

Effect of pheromone:
Atttract Opposite sex
Helps in love relationship
Helps in career
Gaining confidence
Increase sex pleasure

29ml, apply as perfume ^^ (for sensitive skin apply on clothes)

New Packaging with upgraded formula~Higher in concentration and better design of bottle!
增加十 六倍的吸引力!

使用 高浓度的佛罗蒙能够在身体上持续近8-10个小时的效力,并可随时使用。
1.吸引异性: 佛罗蒙能增加异性对你的好感,提升你的个人魅力,使你容易结交更多的异性朋友!
2.激发情爱:燃起你 与爱人新的爱火,并增进已存的感情!
3.帮助事业:在商务活动中使用它,由于佛罗蒙的作用让他们在潜意识中对你产生好感,更容易与你 成交!
4.获 取自信:使用佛裸蒙能潜意识地使你周围的人对你无比信任,并感觉到你的自信。让你在事业和个人生活中赢得成功! 佛裸蒙已在美国、欧洲和日本获得专利,并已通过美国联邦食品与药品的安全检验, 佛裸蒙已在美国、欧洲和日本获得专利,并已通过美国联邦食品与药品的安全检验,正常使用对人体不会构成任何的副作用和不良反应。佛裸蒙是给予现代时尚男士 的最佳馈赠礼品!

【功 效】1.吸引异性:佛裸蒙能有效地增加异性对你的好感,提升你的个人魅力,使你容易结交更多的异性朋友! 2.激发情爱:燃起你与爱人新的爱火,并增进已存的感情! 3.帮助事业:在商务活动中使用它,由于佛裸蒙的作用让他们在潜意识中对你产生好感,更容易与你成交! 4.获取自信:使用佛裸蒙能潜意识地使你周围的人对你无比信任,并感觉到你的自信。让你在事业和个人生活中赢得成功!

吸 引异性的pheromone香水
有分他/她,,。for him or her
售价:rm130 +RM6邮费




液体安全套(学名:杀微生物制剂)任浪漫杀 菌膏为水溶性凝胶,是一款优良的液体灭菌避孕产品,通过科学配比,PH值接近人体阴道的微环境,可维持阴道内的酸碱平衡。凝胶体在杀菌的同时,在阴道内形 成一层保护膜,防止病菌的入侵。
本品能通过化学杀菌和物理屏蔽作用保护妇女阴道和子宫颈壁,可在阴道内长时间保存而不破坏阴道本身的酸性环境的自 净功能。可有效杀灭引发常见妇科疾病的病原体,如:金黄葡萄球菌、白色念珠菌、大肠杆菌等,可有效杀灭引起其他性传播疾病的病菌。平时使用可保持生殖器官 卫生,同时对阴道起到润滑作用。另外,精心设计的推进式的包装,极大方便你的使用。

壬苯醇醚(0-9),苯扎 氯胺(B2K),芦荟等。
性 状:
壬苯醇醚(0-9)有效杀灭精子、快速灭活 HIV-1和淋病、梅毒、生殖器疱疹等多种病原体;苯扎氯胺(B2K)有效杀灭皮肤粘膜的念株致病菌、大肠杆菌等。
使用范围:妇女阴道粘膜和男子 阴茎龟头的消毒、润滑、杀精、避孕。
注意事项:1、外用品,严禁内服。2、因本品对精子的杀灭率达99.999%,期望怀孕的妇女应停止使用。 3、请在阴凉干燥处避光保存。
使用方法:使用一次性特制推进器。在入睡或房事前三分钟将膏液注入阴道内即可。1、取下笔型推进笔帽;2、将笔帽的 开口端对准推进器粗端的橡胶活塞;3、手握住笔帽(推杆)和推进器沿细端轻柔地推进阴道,这时,推动推杆将其全部注入阴道,取出推进器并丢弃到垃圾箱内。 避免清洁。


这 个是我的顾客朋友介绍给我的~它对避孕套过敏~可是一直卖给她的人不在了。所以托我找给她!
用 了它就不同那么辛苦算日子~你知道吗?女人不容易受孕的时候是没有那么敏感的~
在此谢谢她让大家更性福~更放肆~ 哈哈!


为你而:P 阴道护理系列

为你而: P 产品系列帮助女人解决妇科的问题例如宫颈糜烂,阴道炎,阴道淤毒,卵巢囊肿,子宫内膜异位,面部色斑,尿失禁,瘤,输卵管囊肿,痛经,盆腔炎,白带问题和阴道松驰。


1) 1.你有妇科疾病为你而: P快速治疗宫颈、盆腔炎、初期子肌瘤、白带恶多、子内膜炎、滴虫病、阴道息肉、真菌性感染性病,效果长达93%得注意的是这类患者少数是急性症状,大多数是慢性愈的科病,表现为:治愈率低、复性高。

2) 2.长期房事多的女性需要改善阴道松弛,性生活无感,双方无快感的女性,提高性生活量,体会少女代的感,保持夫妻生活的和家庭和伙伴得到更多甜蜜,从而改善夫妻关系,取得情侣对你的更加宠爱,改性生活于被角色,想提高阴道收力度,女性在性生活中掌握主动权,主掌控男性阴茎享受更高技巧的性生活的,牢牢嘬你的男人!





7. 分娩产后或者人工流产后的女性由于分娩、阴道均受到了极大的的损伤,子内膜和阴道内壁的肌肉和胞脱落和撕裂造成阴道分松弛,分娩腔内和阴道深不能底排出,建在分娩40天后,使用为你而:P可以快速排出子和阴道内残留脱落的胞和有毒物,同时还可以迅速恢复阴道性,并收紧变窄,重新感受高量的性生活。

8) 8.保健意识强,注重养生美容的女性由于女性月是由于子内膜脱落引起毛血管破裂形成,内膜脱落的不完整不底,并在子内沉下来,或留在褶部位,女性中普遍存在往往不被引起重,有些女性自认为自己没有什么问题,很干很健康,其定期清洁环保生殖器官,排出老旧脱落胞和有毒物,对预防各类妇科疾病保持生殖健康有很的重要性。定期使用为你而:P做健康、前尚、有科学保健意的新女性。

9) 9.更年期中的中年或老年女性。由于女性入更年期后,尤其是绝经后女性荷蒙的分泌大量减少,阴道常于干燥和封,子内膜、老旧脱落胞和皮角膜不能随着每月的血排出体外,会期滞存在阴道深或子宫颈末段,极易生真菌病毒的感染,为你而:P可完全底地将些有毒物排出,从而避免和减少各种科疾病,尤其是容易生的中老年性阴道炎、子宫颈癌,同由于年的增,机体组织的萎,会出生殖器官下垂和外突的,使用为你而:P是你的好帮手,使你平地度更年期。

10 10.长时间做在椅子上办公,缺少体育户外活动的办公室女性由于长时间做在椅子上公、缺少体育外活期喜穿了减肥瘦身,改体形穿特殊美体内衣,造成血液循环较慢,生殖器官新功能差,神末梢胞激活不力,为你而:P可以短时间内解决问题

My Lovely P products helps women to solve gynecologic problems like cervical erosion, vaginitis, unwanted substances and toxins accumulated in vagina, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, skin pigmentation cause by hormonal imbalance, incontinence, hysteromyoma, Cyst of fallopian tube, menstrual pain, pelvic inflammatory disease, leucorrhea and loose vagina.

You need to use My Lovely P if you meet the criteria below:

1) You have any gynecologic problems. My Lovely P helps in curing all these chronic problems by offering the best traditional herbs and technology. It brings good effect and can cure them up to 93% according to our report.

2) You have frequent sexual activities. Your vaginal muscle will be loosen due to that. My Lovely P multiples pleasure effect among you and your partner. Its technology is the most advanced compare to other similar product. It helps tighten the vagina to almost your virgin status.

3) You don’t have sexual lust and low sensitivity when having sex. Its because of hormonal imbalance. You need to pamper and treat yourself with My Lovely P treatment.

4) You can’t get orgasm easily. My Lovely P will increase the odds and enlighten your sex life.

5) You have dry vagina and find it hard to secrete natural fluid. Even how hard your partner work on foreplay you still find it hard to get aroused. When intercourse, you feel painful, it is because of dry vagina. Don’t be afraid to use My Lovely P when you feel painful, you may think My Lovely P will make it tighter hence make you more painful. Its totally untrue, you feel pain because of the dryness. If you are very tight and have sufficient fluid, you and your partner will enjoy the intimate moments.

6) You are preparing to get pregnant. My Lovely P makes is easier for fertilization to take part by ensuring the sperm to flow in without unwanted substances in vagina blocking the way. It also helps the fallopian tube flow and ensure the good environment to have a baby. As a good mother-to-be you should use My Lovely P before planning to get pregnant. Actually even you are not preparing to get pregnant, you should do your body a good service by keep it in good condition.

7) You have given birth to your beautiful child. Your reproductive canal was severely injured during the process. The muscle cells was stretched and many unwanted blood may be clogged inside and hard to be expelled. Use My Lovely P after 40 days for nourishing and detoxifying your reproductive canal.

8) You are the health and beauty conscious type. During all the menstrual cycle and sexual intercourse, there must be some unwanted substance stuck in the folded area in vagina. It may cause severe problems if accumulated over long period of time. As a health conscious and smart women, you should detoxify your reproductive system and love yourself.

9) You are facing menopause problem. It’s a crucial period, your hormonal secreting will be greatly decrease, and reproductive canal will be shrunken and dry as well as your skin. If you don’t face this period correctly, its easy to effect your health status, and easily experience many gynecologic problems and discomfort.

10) You don’t spend time on exercising and always sitting. Some of you may like to wear tight jeans or body sculpting lingerie, it may cause bad blood circulation. This will affect your sensitivity and have bad metabolism rate to reproductive system.






为你而:P : 们建议你拿两盒为你而:P排毒,我们会送你一盒Instant tightening做排毒后的巩固。虽然如此,有时候一盒为你而:P也已经有令人很满意的效果。













18比起其他同类型产品,为你而:P 有什么优势?























为你而:P 排毒疗程

为你而:P 排毒疗程为国际最新技术生产的纳米微分子凝胶精华制剂,一支为你而:P 含量足有5ml,浓度高,用量足,利用推杆直接推入阴道深处,1分钟凝胶弥漫整个阴道内壁及宫颈,并上行到宫腔及盆腔进行杀菌排毒,使用方便,杀菌迅速,不干涩,维护阴道酸碱平衡,不含任何化学成分无毒副作用,轻中度者甚至一天感觉收缩,按疗程使用缩阴持久不反弹,治疗妇科炎症干净彻底。具有其它产品没有的缩阴、排毒、防止阴道干涩和老化多重功效。

为你而:P Instant Tightening

为你而:P Instant Tightening 经过高科技生物萃取中药材中的精华成分,将其分子未定在1000040000单位,以此保证女性阴道避毛细血管的正常吸收,为你而:P经过生物萃取技术后,药力活性物质精准,没有任何中药材的残渣存留,置入女性阴道后,清爽无菌无毒,作用功效明确。

1. After giving birth, is it possible for vagina to be restored like virgin size?

Vagina is a very stretchable organ, its muscle can even pass through an infant. After giving birth, reproductive canal may be in bad condition, loose, dry and has smelly discharge. After using My Lovely P, it may help you to tighten your vagina size, your partner may be very surprised!

2. Will vagina be loose after frequent sex?

Yes, its impossible for vagina to maintain the same size if you have frequent sex. The theory is like a rubber band, it may make it lose their elasticity. My Lovely P will help recovering vaginal muscle elasticity and rejunevate the muscle cells, make you feel like its just your first night!

3. In between intercourse, sometimes gas comes out from my vagina. It is very embarrassing, can I cure it with My Lovely P?

Yes, you can cure it. The gas comes out because of loosen vagina canal.

4. I have vaginitis, and cervical erosion, can I use My Lovely P?

You should use it more. My Lovely P has curing, replenish inflammation, and bacteria killing properties.

5. How many My Lovely P should I use and how long for it to take effect?

Detoxifying effect: It takes 5 minute to kill staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus albus and bacterium coli up to 99.9%. It is a good prevention for all sort of gynecology problems. If you have gynecology problems, you may have a lot of discharge after 10 hours.

Tightening effect: If your problem is not that serious, you may feel tightened in first usage. It depends on individual.

My Lovely P: We suggest you to take 2 boxes of My Lovely P treatment, you will get one box of instant tightening for free. Instant Tightening is for maintaining and consolidate the tightening effect after 2 boxes of My lovely P detoxifying treatment although you may see very good results by just using My Lovely P treatment box.

6. Does it have any side effect? Will it have yoyo effect?

This product is mainly made of natural herbs, extracted by nano-techonology and advanced extracting techonology. It is formulated by scientific professionals as outer used female product. It can cover the whole vaginal canal up to cervix, detox the unwanted substances and contract vagina muscle. It also helps balance the hormonal and increase sexual lust. It won’t have any side effects.

My Lovely P can obviously enhance your sex life, prevent sexual disease and tighten vagina. Its effect is prolonged and not temporary.

7. What is My Lovely P main ingredients.

Please check it out here.

8. How does My Lovely P looks like? How to use?

My lovely P treatment box consist of 5 syringes. After washing your hands, lie down on the bed and insert it into your vagina. Push the gel into your vagina will do.

9. I had hysterectomy, can I use My Lovely P?

Its recommended to use My Lovely P, after hysterectomy. Internal gland secreting function will be decreased hence make vagina dry and causing discomfort. My Lovely P will greatly improve your sex life.

10. After give birth or miscarriage, when can I start using My Lovely P?

After give birth or miscarriage, there maybe injury to internal part, so its best recommended to use after 40 days.

11. I have pigmentation on face and bad skin texture especially around the eyes. During period I will feel extra painful and tired, can I use My Lovely P?

Yes, it might also be cured by using My Lovely P treatment.

12. How long can My Lovely P effect last?

My Lovely P effect can last for quite sometime but due to factors such as frequency of intercourse,gravity,ageing etc,it is recommended to use every 2 to 3 months for maintenance and health purpose.

13. Is My Lovely P effective for gynecology problems?

Yes, My Lovely P consists of natural herbs which has anti-bacterial properties.

14. Why there is discharge from my vagina after using My Lovely P?

Its normal, after using My Lovely P, the unwanted substances will be expelled out from vagina.

15. Why ichiness occurs after using My Lovely P?

When toxins expelling, it may irritate your outer vagina and cause some light ichiness. Just make sure you wash your outer vagina always and maintain cleanliness.

16. After using My Lovely P , I feel my vagina is painful like burning. Is it normal?
If you have vaginitis, cervical erosion or other injury you may feel burning pain. It is fine. If you feel too painful, stop using it for 2-3 days will do.

17. Can I use My Lovely P if I have passed menopause stage?
It’s a crucial period, your hormonal secreting will be greatly decrease, and reproductive canal will be shrunken and dry as well as your skin. If you don’t face this period correctly, its easy to affect your health status, and easily experience many gynecologic problems and discomfort. Using My Lovely P will help you to maintain your health and prevent gynecologic problems.

18. Compare to other same range products, what is My lovely P advantage?

Product type

Function comparison


It is focused on washing and cleaning but its not effective for anti-bacteria that causes gynecologic problems and will not even tighten the vagina.


It won’t have good effect cause the time it stays in the vagina is short. The liquid will flow out after a very short period of time.

Suppository or effervescent tablets

It may easily cause injury to vagina and it can’t reach the cervix area. It has no tightening effect and may affect sex life due to its strong smell.

Oral comsumption drug

It may cause side effects such as kidney,liver failure and injure internal organs.

Spray type

It is for temporary effect and won’t have curing properties.

Stick type

Its easy to use and may bring temporary effect but it has side effect, not hygienic and may cause gynecologic problems.


Expensive and risky, effect is not permanent.


Painful and not permanent. You need to get injection a few times and can’t perform by yourself.

Non-processed herbs pill

It is roughly processed and though the herbs inside can’t take effect. Women vagina can’t absorb the rough and raw herbs. This kind of product needs to add in some corrosive mineral for it to take effect. It will also cause serious injury and side effect.

Pill form

Very little volume, you need to wait for it to melt before even absorb it. It can’t reach to the deepest part of vagina, unable to reach cervix area. It won’t be able to carry out good effect of killing bacteria and cleaning. Effect is very less or even none!

My Lovely P Treatment box

My Lovely P Treatment Box is extracted by advanced technology. It is in nano-technology gel form, has good permeability and easy to be absorbed. Its volume is 5ml, in high concentration and sufficient enough to cover the whole vagina canal up to the cervix. It is easy to be use, not dry like other form. Good for maintaining the PH value, no side effect, no toxin and heavy metal ingredients. It has prolonged effect and can cure gynecologic problems. Compare to other products, My Lovely P can tighten vagina, detoxify, prevent dryness and anti-aging.

My Lovely P Instant Tightening

My Lovely P Instant Tightening is processed by advanced and high tech method. Extractions from natural herbs have very stable particles at 10000 to 40000 units. It ensures women vagina can absorb the essence and the herbs goodness with no unwanted residue remains in the vagina. It is very effective and fast.

1盒RM180,2盒RM350(买2盒还会送1粒价值RM120的instant tightening)

为你而P instant tightening


规格:5G 的浓缩桑螵蛸,强调快速的缩阴效果。

配套价格:RM120 1个,RM220 2个, RM300 3个。